There and Mostly Back Again: A Tale by Bard

Bard Selfie

The day started out great. My parents are logs but we have floral branches to the family tree, too. Here I am in front of my nieces and nephews.

Bard and Party

My best friends Fighter, Paladin, and Warlock came to meet the extended family. Warlock was weirdly insistent that we go for a walk into the Forbidden Forest. We snapped a groupie before heading out.


Warlock explained that the Forbidden Forest is a misnomer; it’s more of a “Discouraged Entry Forest.” Eventually we got separated from him, and when we found him later IT WAS AN AMBUSH! Warlock and his minions threw water balloons at us and called us nerds. Paladin and Fighter did die, though.

Bard and Party (Again)

Haha, just kidding, Fighter totally survived. RIP Paladin.


Can’t wait to come again! Next time I’ll bring a better Paladin.